Wednesday, August 29, 2007


The entire nation is getting all hyped about the 50th Independence Day celebration. And KL has to be the most anticipating city!

For the past three mornings, we hear the helicopters, planes and fighter jets hoverring over our office building... in beautiful aerial choreography. Then, there's Soffii and Haliza from our division, coming to work after rehearsals... in their 1950's army unform. Funny!
Every building has giantic posters of the country's leaders, past and present. Funny, though... there's nothing mention about the people? Leaders may lead. But it is in the people that they are consented to be our leaders.

So much said and done, we still have long way ahead to go. There's so much left to do, and we, the lucky ones, have the obligations to help others achieve a sense of accomplishment: basic needs fulfillment.

I love this country. And I can tolerate the political hullaballooos that arises each time. This is my home, my country. And truthfully, I wouldn't trade it for anywhere.

So, Happy 50th Birthday, Malaysia!

Sunday, August 26, 2007


I just watched an AMAZING musical show called Joseph and The Amazing Technocolor Dreamcoat! Oh my gosh, simply superb and funny! Donny Osmond is so dreammmmmmyyy. Mmmmmm...

This show isn't new, really. I think it begun way back in the early 90's. Thanks to the wonders of Internet, I finally got a copy of the show! Yayyyy!

Here's one of my favourite scenes. Pharoah is asking Joseph, the meaning of his crazy dream.


I live in KL, the most happening city in this country. Yet here I am, lonely and bored on a Sunday!

Arrrrghhhhhhhhhhhhh.... this is stupid! I really need a life.

Okay, time to stop whinning, Jen.

Saturday, August 25, 2007


My life in my new home was blissfully perfect... until she arrived.

My brother's new girlfriend. She's hardworking, she's pleasant... and my family adores her!

My dad allowed her to live with us, after being persuaded by my brother, Jerrard.

And my mum wants to do anything for her. Bought her pots and pans and a gas stove for the kitchen. Now that my brother gives her his full attention, I'm feeling left behind.

Worse still, she's running the entire household here. All food is cooked her way. All chores are done on her routines. I don't have any say in these matter... except in paying the bills.

It's been only one month, since she arrived. But I can't take it. I want my old life back!! I don't even know if I can face a lifetime of her presence... seriously!

My mum is HOPING that she's THE ONE for Jerrard. "Isn't CJ just perfect for your brother?!" my mum goes! Me thinks that there's the entire plans of the wedding bells, ceremony and dinner planned up in her mind.
Maybe I'm selfish... maybe I'm just jealous coz I'm lonely. I admit she's "friendly" just coz I'm his sister. I admit she makes my mum happy. She's "SO PERFECT" that just suddenly, she's part of the family picture!

Is anyone remembering that I'm still alive?

Sunday, August 19, 2007


Happy 52nd Birthday, mummy dearest! I love you always!!

Monday, August 13, 2007


My FIRST succussful Photoshop image!

I looked out at the sky, this morning, while I was locking my front door. The clouds were amazingly clear and beautiful, as the sun rose. I KNEW it would be a beautiful day.

The top half is real, but the bottom half has been photoshoped. In reality, the bottom of the pictures would be the parking spaces. That explains why there's a lamp-post by the so-called "lake". My brother actually thought the lake was real!! Until i told him the picture was taken from our balcony.

Yayyyy! It fooled one person.

A HUGE thanks goes to my cousin, Gwendoline, for the PS coaching.


As much as i *love* my job, it doesn't take a lot to show a little appreciation, right? So, why oh why can't my name be correctly spelt? Shirley Lee probably was *so* busy typing that she didn't notice the error. And she did, she went, "Oh screw you!". I'm talking about her typing skills, by the way.

It's my name, people! Show some respect, please!

Thursday, August 09, 2007


Selama beberapa tahun aku telah merungut kerana kurang tidur dan terlalubanyak tekanan dalam hidup, akan tetapi sekarang kini aku tahu kenapa ianya berlaku (the real reason) :

Aku keletihan kerana terlebih kerja... nak tau kenapa? Di bawah ini aku akantunjukkan kenapa aku mempunyai beban kerja yang lebih dan ianya adalah benardan bukan rekaan aku.

Populasi penduduk sekarang adalah 23 juta orang. 1.7 juta darinya sudah bersara. Jadi tinggal 21.3 juta orang. 1.3 juta pula adalah golongan kanak2 bawah 6 tahun. Jadi tinggal 20 juta orang. Dari 20 juta ini, 7 juta masih belajar (tadika, sekolah, kolej,Universiti dll). Jadi tinggal 13 juta orang yang boleh buat kerja.

Dari 13 juta ini, 5 juta orang adalah pekerja kerajaan yang kebanyakan pergikerja tapi tak buat kerja. Jadi tinggal 8 juta orang yang boleh buat kerja. Tolak 3 juta orang yang duduk dalam hutan (tentera darat) pasal diorang nie nak kerja macam mana... tinggal dalam hutan.Dah tinggal 5 juta orang yang boleh buat kerja....

Dari jumlah itu, tolak 2.7 juta orang yang menganggur dan tak der kerja, surirumah, pekerja yang kena VSS, orang2 tua, fresh university student, kenabuang kerja dll). Tinggallah 2.3 juta orang yang boleh buat kerja.

Dari jumlah ini, sebanyak 1,215,512 orang dilaporkan sakit dan kini berada di dalam hospital di seluruh (tak kiralah hospital swasta ke atau hospital kerajaan dan ini termasuklah hospital gila). Dah tinggal 1,084,488 orang yang boleh buat kerja....

Sekarang ini mengikut bancian terkini, terdapat 1,084,486 orang di dalampenjara dan Pusat Serenti di seluruh negara. Jadi dah tinggal 2 orang yang boleh buat kerja...

Dan 2 orang itu adalah engkau dan aku...Dari dua orang ini... engkau SEKARANG INI masih duduk depan komputer, main internet, main games, reading jokes, membaca email, main chat dan tak buat kerja langsung... jadi tinggallah Aku sorang yang buat kerja... Mana aku tak letih!!

Jadi sedarlah skit.... dahhhh..!!! pi buat kerja!!!

P/S : Semua statistik di atas boleh dirujuk kesahihannya di Pusat2Bancian, Kementerian Kesihatan, Kementerian Pertahanan, Jabatan Tenaga Raya,Kementerian Pendidikan dan Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat.

Takkan nak rujuk itu pun nak kena suruh aku buat jugak.


Let's see the wonders of beautiful Italy. We'll travel with our eyes and our hearts... and not a penny more from our pockets!

A little fact on why Rome is the true city of love : Roma is Amor(e) spelt backwards. Pat, if there was anyone I'd travel with, it'll only be you!

Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Whenever I'm alone in the Copy Rooom at the office, this is what I like to do. Yeah, introducing my left palm! This is me reaching out to you... waving hello!
I wish it was 'waving'.

Monday, August 06, 2007


Ever tried kidnapping a kid, only to return the child two hours later? I did!

Hahah, only kidding! Get the pun?!

Last Saturday, I went to help out at the parish's children's drama club. Unfortunately after waiting for 30 minutes together with a handful of kids, we were finally notified that today's session was cancelled. Apparently SOMEONE forgot to mention to some of the children. Poor things! They were *so* looking forward to it!

So, I was already in town and it was wayyy to early to head back home. The LAST thing I wanted to to was arrive home and see my mum's ' i-told-you-so ' expression. It was then that I spotted this nine-year old lass. She knew me, off course, as one of the teachers' assistant.

"Wanna take a short walk around here? I'm buying some sundry for my mum" I ask her nicely. And I mean, nicely! She gave that ten-second thoughtful look, and went, "Okay!"

Kids, this is the exact scenario that you should watch out for. NEVER follow a stranger, even is he/she is someone you've seen before.

So, we went just to the next block from the church premises. My mum send me on errand to get a bag of peanuts. "I have the sudden urge for kacang !" says she. "Only buy if less than RM 8.00" she continues. Okay mum! After getting the bag of nuts and a couple of lollipops, (the kacang was RM 7.50 for 900g, if you care to know), I asked her about her ride home.

"Grandfather is currently in a meeting in the church hall. He only finishes at 1.00pm," said Michelle, the nine-year old I kidnapped. It was only past 11.00am, and I felt the girl should not have to wait until 1.00pm. For crying out loud, there was hardly anyone around the parish premises, if it weren't for the meeting in the hall upstairs.

And suddenly, I felt responsible for her. "Would you like to walk around the mall?" Gladly, she agreed. I've never been a child-friendly person. But attending and assisting the children's drama club nowdays, has changed me dramatically. (Okay, great! Another pun!)

We walked to the nearest mall, and looked around at stationaries, gifts, books and CDs. For a nine-year old, Michelle really chatted the time away. At least she was talkative! That didn't leave me to do all the talking. Before leaving the mall, we went to the entertainment arcade.

I introduced her to the dance machine. Ahhh... that dance machine! Hahahah... it was such a funny sight! Two amateurs trying their best to keep up with the beats. We started by playing one against one, but she was doing REALLY bad. I then abandoned my side and helped her danced on her side of the machine. Together, we rocked!

We used the rest of the arcade tokens on those Toy-Picking-Claw and Hit-The-Weasel machines. It was so much fun playing these with a kid. Especially when you're a grown up.

At a quarter to 1.00, I walked with her back to the churchyard but my mind was already spinning with thoughts of her worried grandfather. We didn't leave anyone a message that she was with me. Upon arriving, we discovered that her grandad's meeting was still in progress... and no one had noticed she was gone!

So much for the grand scheme of child abduction!