Friday, May 09, 2008


Well, the blog is functioning in order again... thank goodness.
Unfortunately, my brain and my body isn't.
Sick. Recuperating now.

I like this picture. Because it's a clash of culture. Between French couture and Italian arts.
This was originally a billboard poster for a French fashion label. They decided to advertise the new couture in an a-la Leonardo Da Vinci's famous Last Supper fresco.

You see, while the fashion label thought it was cool to change the sexes in the poster and give it a sexy twist, the rest of the artisan world thought, "WHAT the BLOODY HELL ARE YOU DOING?! That's sacrilege!"

(I like using that word... sacrilege. Watch HBO's Rome Season1. It's used 9 times per episode. Seriously.)

The fashion label claimed that art was just a portrayal of another person's view, and not the actual sacred act itself. Which I think it's actually correct.

In the end, the billboard poster had to be taken down. Another lesson in advertising. Even in the modern Western world.

Check out the half nude guy. He's got his hands on one girl, and his legs in another.

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