Wednesday, March 18, 2009


A lot of friends have been blessed with the opportunity to travel overseas, be it far or just across the border. And when they do, they tend to post a lot of photos.

Photos of how exciting life has suddenly become... stories of how much they're enjoying themselves... of how it's all a work assignment but they're having Fun Fun FUN...and the never-ending tease of "oh, how I wish you were here!" crap.

Truth to be told... I get jealous. I get extremely jealous and a huge unpleasant feeling just sorts of swells up inside and eats my heart inside out.

Why the green monster raging inside me?

Because I want to travel, to see places and meet new faces. No, instead, I got stuck with the dead-beat job, with no future and only reprimands to face everyday. So I chose the wrong career path. So, I didn't bother to be more bold and seek overseas opportunities. So, instead, I chose to pay more attention to my parents' happiness.


I do get to go traveling, once a year... self paid SHORT trip. Regional. Usually within the country. Just for ONCE, I wish that the company sends me overseas.

And then, I think back on all that I have had... and all that I still have: a home, my own place, a car, my parents who are still strong, and most of all, a job that pays. I have other friends who are still within reach, and I have my faith.
So... there will times for travel later... if not soon. I will make my own way to see the world. Til then, hold on to the things that you have. Afterall, the grass may always look greener on the other side, but home is where the heart is.

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