Wednesday, August 19, 2009


My company's Web Portal was holding this "Share Your Environment-Friendly Ways To Win A Specially Designed T-Shirt" contest. 200 T-shirts to be given away.

So, I thought, "Hmm... Why not give it a try?!" After all, I have all the time in the world. Seriously, I'm just dead bored.

Ok, so here's my best entry. It's not my best BEST, but just good enough for some smiles. Oh, I do hope I get a T-shirt!

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To conserve water at home, my family would save the water used to wash precooked rice. The rice-water is then showered onto the potted plants and trees in the garden. The plants would grow nicely from the rice nutrients in the water.

We also have three dogs which we are responsible to clean up when they poo after meals. Instead of using fresh water from the pipes to wash the backyard where the dogs poo, we collect the water drained out from the laundry washing machine. As the washing machine holds up to 4kg of laundry load, we get up to three buckets of water. The water is collected from the last stage in laundry machine wash : the 2nd rinse. Therefore, the water collected is not dirty, but slightly soapy. And because fabric softener is added during the laundry wash, the collected water smells of rose (or lavender when we switch brands).

At home, laundry washing is only done when the amount of laundry is enough to fill the machine. By doing so, we save on water and electricity.
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Post Note : I DID win a T-shirt!!!

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