The entire nation is getting all hyped about the 50th Independence Day

celebration. And KL has to be the most anticipating city!
For the past three mornings, we hear the helicopters, planes and fighter jets hoverring over our office building... in beautiful aerial choreography. Then, there's Soffii and Haliza from our division, coming to work after rehearsals... in their 1950's army unform. Funny!

Every building has giantic posters of the country's leaders, past and present. Funny, though... there's nothing mention about the people? Leaders may lead. But it is in the people that they are consented to be our leaders.

So much said and done, we still have long way ahead to go. There's so much left to do, and we, the lucky ones, have the obligations to help others achieve a sense of accomplishment: basic needs fulfillment.
I love this country. And I can tolerate the political hullaballooos that arises each time. This is my home, my country. And truthfully, I wouldn't trade it for anywhere.
So, Happy 50th Birthday, Malaysia!
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