After getting out of The Louvre, it's time to discover two of Paris' famous landmarks.
The first : Champ de Eleysse. It's a victory monument, errected by Napoleon Bonanparte to celebrate a war victory.
This huge monument is situated on a busy traffic roundabout, which has seven different main roads leading in and out of it. The only way to walk to the Champ de Eleysse is not by crossing any roads... sorry, no traffic lights for pedestrian crossing.
You need to walk under the streets, in a pedestrian tunnel.
Thank God they didn't charge a penny at that tunnel!
His fire is kept alight forever.
Well, at least it's not an empty monument.

On my night walk, I past by some couture houses.
I say goodbye to the Champ de Eleysse... and find another Paris landmark.
Recognized any of them?

There it is!

La Tour Eiffel...
But is it so hard to take a decent picture of me?!
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