Sunday, September 30, 2007


I watched this movie when I was a kid, on TV2. That time, this Italian film was dubbed into English. Basically, it's the tale of a princess who defies her cruel warlord-father and sets free a rebel prince. She falls in love with him and runs to his kingdom when her father decrees she marry a black-hearted knight.

When she does arrive at his kingdom, the people there recognize her as the enemy-king's precious daughter and bring her to the rebel prince. But the prince remembers her kindness when he was a prisoner and has grown to love her.

Unfortunately, it doesn't end there. In comes Desideria's sister (adopted sister, actually. The evil-king found her among wolves and thought, "this child must be strong & powerful to live among wolves!")

Raised by wolves, this sister is a sinister, scheming witch. She steals the rebel prince away from Desideria by casting a enchantment, that led the rebel prince to fight in a tournament for the evil sis' hand in marriage.

Desideria now has to disguise herself as a red knight, and ends up fighting the rebel prince in the tournament. She wins but is unable to kill her beloved. She runs away, ashamed. Meanwhile, the rebel prince (still under the enchantment) takes the evil sister to the altar and they almost get hitched... when Desideria marches in and stop the unholy union.

The evil sis is so mad, she brings a strom into the building. But in the end, her pride becomes her self-destruction and as she lies at the brink of death, she asks for Desideria's forgiveness. After all, they did grow up as sisters.

With her death, the rebel prince is free from the enchanment and he sees how much Desideria has done for the love of him. Feeling unworthy, he walks away to find himself. Later, he walks back to Desideria's arms, despite knowing he will face death because he is still in the evil king's kingdom.

It all ends happily ever after though. The evil king sees the error of his ways (only in movies!) and offers the rebel prince the unity of both kingdoms, and his daughter in marriage. As cliche as this story goes, I still love the storyline! I'd give anything to watch this movie again.

FYI, this movie was made from the same people that brought about those Fantaghiro movies a.k.a The Cave Of The Golden Rose.

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