Thursday, September 27, 2007


I used to hate the fasting season... the month of Ramadhan, that is. Everysince Standard One, kids use to tease me, "Eeeeee... Tak Puasa!!". Last year was probably the worst!

"Cik, kami nak tengok IC dulu!" I HATE these annoying discriminating remarks! Sure, it's not such a big deal... but after years of one person standing against ten, I have had ENOUGH.
Yeah, just because my looks closely resembles a Malay. Malays are (stereotypically-thought) inevitably Muslims.
So, one look at me and people think I'm a Muslim. One spoken word would make them think twice, though. My spoken Malay does not flow naturally. I think before I speak. And I speak the words taught at school... those flowery phrases etc. Not the natural fast-accent.

I can't eat when I want to during the day... and I have to eat in a close environment, when I do. It's like, to eat is to harbour a dark deep secret!
Oooooo scary!
And then there's those daily news reports on people who don't fast that get caught by the Jabatan Islam authorities. It's like not fasting is a serious crime!!
Seriously! The people who get caught were running helter-skelter into the bushes, like drug addicts! Off course, I think they were drug addicts.
And talking about eating, everyday there's HUGE promotions of buffet, buffet and hotel buffet. Crap! Just thinking about this is making me hungry. Anyway, how's a girl suppose to watch what she eat when she watching the buffet promos every single day of Ramadhan?!

But like I said, I used to hate the fasting season.

Ever since I begin working, the close-knit environment of diverse cultures has taught me a lot of things. Things like patience, peserverance, tolaration, respect, when and when not to suck up to, back-stabers, and real genuine friends.
As colleagues, my Muslim friends especially the elder ones, has shown me how fasting is a discipline. A real discipline of staying strong, no complains and remain calm. Sure, they get tired at the end of the day, but they don't complain.

They invite me to break fast with them. We enjoy the night with stories, humours and family tides. They give thanks for the day, enjoy the simple night's feast, and prepare for another day of fasting. It's people like these that makes religion an awesome admirable inspiration.

So, this Ramadhan I get to be in charge of scouting... where shall we dine?
Selamat Berpuasa, saudara-saudari Muslimin. Dua minggu lagi Raya!!

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